Friday, May 21, 2021

Walking Home

 It’s been a trying year for our kiddos around the world. My five year old granddaughter was looking forward to her first year at BIG school, not to be confused with preschool, but like so many she has had to get use to meeting her teacher and fellow classmates on Zoom. Don’t know about you but before 2020 I had no idea what Zoom even was.

Things have loosened up here in the U.S. and she is finally in class, in person, five days a week.

My daughter Stacy promised her that before the school year ended she would walk to pick her up and they could walk home. Funny when I was a kid, we always walked to and from school and would have been excited about getting to ride home in a car.

How about you, did you walk to and from school?


  1. Dearest Janey,
    Sure I walked the 2 km distance four times daily! In the morning, then home for the lunch break as Dutch schools don't provide lunches as in the USA. Back again by 1:30 PM and walking home after 4:00 PM... That was a lot of exercise but only in 5th grade I finally got a bike.
    We also walked to Kindergarden, that was about 1.5 km.
    Yes, when I got to sit on the bike of a three years older neighbor's boy (on the bar of the bike, not on the back of the carrier because there was someone else...

    1. Checking the actual distance walked, it was 1.5 km exactly and that 4 x.
      My brothers only had to walk 900 m, less than 1 km as their school was closer.

  2. Yes, I walked those first years. Probably up to the high school years. High school was pretty far away from home so I got rides to and from there until I got my own car in my senior year.

  3. We took the bus, since we were out in the country.

  4. Yes, I walked to and from school but in the winter we sometimes took the horses...1940's!

  5. Yes I always walked and on highschool I went by bike.
    We didn't even had a car.

  6. Walking was the usual way to get around. My family never owned a car. By the time I got to secondary school I had to get a bus as it was too farto walk. My grandkids live close enough to walk to pre school and school which is a good way to start the day.
