Monday, August 27, 2012

Tracking Moose and bear report

We have had guests again this week. Texans love to come to Colorado to get out of the summer heat.
I suggested we ride up the mountain and see a moose. We had no sooner pulled up that this guy walked out. I of course put this picture on my Facebook page and the local Wild Life Photographer called ME to ask where I had seen it!

*Bear up-date.(Bear Caper Aug 20th) Word has it that the two roving bear cubs were re-united with Mom and they are safely back up the mtn. Please don't feed bears!
 I have been coming here nearly 30yrs...and heard of our first bear mauling near here this week. Camper, who had food in his tent, ended up with 150 stitches...that bear was destroyed. What is the answer?
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  1. Better education of campers! Not having food in a tent is BASIC and even a novice should know that. Feel badly for the injured camper, but, for heaven's sake, what was s/h thinking! Our wild life have to be protected from human mistakes...foolish errors! Bear should not have been destroyed, IMHO.

  2. oh, so sorry about the mauling. that moose is impressive!

  3. Wow, the moose was a bull's eye. Great shot.
    So sorry to hear about the bear. It is the world upside down I think. Who was living there first.
