Saturday, August 11, 2012

Well Hello There!

I spotted him coming down the hill.

I felt sure when he saw me that he would scurry away

but, he came over to the door and looked in.

I slowly opened the door and he just stood there! No, I don't feed them. There is plenty in these mountains for the animals to eat . They do on occasion ask the public to put out corn, like the winter of 2009 when we have very heavy snow.
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  1. It's tempting not to feed them! You are lucky to have such a visitor, esp one so willing to pose for you!

  2. he's just gorgeous! what a great unexpected guest!

  3. What a delightful visitor Janey,seeing sights like this must be for you what it's like for me seeing kangaroos I guess.

  4. This is so great he came so close and you captured him so well.
