Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Museum

Before we headed north from Charlotte, NC. Tom and I took one more long walk. We found ourselves at the Mint Museum (Randolph) and decided to go in.

It was a most interesting place. Lots of ancient art from the Mayan Civilizations.

Beautiful silver crowns and jewelery from Peru 
and a gold plated chest .

Fashions from centuries past,

but mostly lots and lots of pottery, some of it very unusual.
We forgot to take our cell phones, and were so interested in all of the exhibits that time got away from us. My poor daughter was driving around trying to find us. She was convinced we had gotten lost. I think the parent child relationship has reversed...
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  1. that is some neat pottery! i'd love the mayan stuff. interesting mix of things.

  2. I readily understand that it was easy to become engrossed in this museum. Surprised to see the Mayan artifact here.

  3. The museum has a lot of differents pieces. I like the fashion and the Mayan vase.
