Thursday, December 6, 2012

Across the Country

Some of you have been following mine and Tom's trip across the country to visit three of our five daughters. We have taken you to Atlanta, Georgia, Charlotte, North Carolina and now  Chicago, Illinois...the last stop, where we are visiting with daughter number five. Actually, we were asked to babysit Packer, their dog.

and Hannah Jane (our granddaughter,who just turned six months) while they went to Las Vegas. Bet you can guess who bought her this silly coat and hat! :)
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  1. what a cute little bug in that second shot! :)

  2. Oh my gosh , Hannah Jane is the cutest little bub ever, the coat and hat are adorable, methinks Grandma (?) has very chic taste.
    P.s. Janey could you please let Cheri know that I would love to catch up on her news but for some reason I just can't connect to her site.

  3. Bonjour Tom and Hannah Jane! I love both photos!

  4. What a precious and stylish grandchild! I want to thank you for your faithful visits and comments. I've been busy making photo projects/albums/calendars for holiday gifts which has been VERY time consuming and I haven't been visiting as I normally would so I thank you for your loyalty!!
