Friday, May 17, 2013

Home Tour (4)

I love it when they try and save some of the old lighting fixtures when restoring these homes.
I guess it could have been a reproduction ....but it looked authentic to me 

as did this one

and these floors (which had me swooning) were certainly worth saving..


  1. well, that is weird! i'm glad you posted the 'i posted today' one which appeared as new in my feed reader or i'd have missed this part. (if you edit this post and go to 'schedule' it and change the date to today, will that work?)

    gosh, those floors!!!

    1. You are so smart. Thank you...somehow I knew you could help!


  2. Hello, Janey and Co..

    Lovely and heartwarming your works..

    The prayer for all peace.

    Have a good weekend. From Japan, ruma❃

  3. I had noticed the anouncement of your post 4 at my side bar a few days ago, but couldn't see it. You had pre sceduled it I think. But you solved the problem I see, thanks to the Tex girl.
