Monday, March 21, 2016

Stormy Weather

This past week, Tom and I had our little three year old Hannah visiting. We picked her up on Wednesday and early Thursday morning our weather turned quite nasty. If you live in North Texas, you know that storms can be deadly. I turned on the t.v. and they were saying we were under a tornado warning. A warning is much more severe than a watch. It means they have a tornado is on the ground, possibly heading in your direction.
So, I scooped up little Hannah, who was still fast asleep, and put her on large pillows in Tom's closet. It is in the center of the house, has no windows and is long and narrow. I also brought in my cell phone, mainly to have if the electricity went off. I tried to get Tom to join us, but he didn't grow up in tornado alley like I did....and I think he thought I over reacting a bit,
besides he was busy marveling over the size of the hail stones that were falling.
I am happy to report you are looking at our only trailing geranium :(
 The hail stones did get larger as  the storm crossed town. Witness the size of the ones that fell on my sister Polly's yard.

and look at the leaves covering her street. I am happy to report that our weather since has been quite lovely.


  1. Wow! I would have gotten in the closet with you. Tornados are scary. We don't have that many around here, but there have been occasions when I was scared to death that we were. And the size of that hail....I'm surprised there wasn't more damage. Glad all is well now!

  2. Oh my gosh! Now that is scary stuff Janey, you were pretty lucky, thank goodness, to come off so lightly. Blimey those hail stones would have caused problems! We had a similar situation a few years ago where so many cars were covered in bumps and dents from the hailstones.

  3. Oh my gosh! Now that is scary stuff Janey, you were pretty lucky, thank goodness, to come off so lightly. Blimey those hail stones would have caused problems! We had a similar situation a few years ago where so many cars were covered in bumps and dents from the hailstones.

  4. P.s. meant to ask.. did Hannah sleep through it all :)

  5. P.s. meant to ask.. did Hannah sleep through it all :)

  6. Hailstones like that can play havoc if your car is out and then cost a fortune to repair. Little Hannah looks so cosy and contented.
    Isn't your trained ivy beginning to cover the wall beautifully?

  7. A scary experience, glad your Hannah slept through the tornado. Those hailsstones are huge and can cause much damage

  8. You can never be too careful. Those hailstones must have caused quite a bit of damage around the town.

  9. It is such a relief when the storm warning is past. We, too, have tornados in Minnesota and the damage is devastating when it hits the ground. Hope you do not have to go through this again!
