Sixth in the series.(scroll to: Through the Hollow for part 1)
Yes, folks that is a sweet potato. You see, while we had been traipsing around that muddy cemetery in Mississippi, long lost cousin Romona had been doing her homework. Ramona, I forgot to mention is one heck of a genealogy researcher; why she even had this family of ours going all the way back to receiving the Fleur de Lis from the King of France .In more recent times, she seems to have us related to THE SWEET POTATO QUEEN. (for real)! If you are not familiar with the Sweet Potato Queen you may want to stop now and Google her. Ramona tells us that not only is Boley Conner her ggrandfather too..but several other members of her family are buried in "our" cemetery. A best selling author and sought after speaker the SPQ had even made appearances on national talk shows like Good morning America. Surely she would help us with this project...if not fund it! Wrong...Have you ever tried to get a hold of a celebrity or a famous person? It's almost as hard as trying to get a hold of a relative who has just won the lottery. I probably would have had better luck contacting John Grishom who, by the way, is also from Mississippi.
Surprisingly, the author of the Sweet Potato Queen books was not my light at the end of the tunnel. He was teeing up on a Texas golf be continued