Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's Cold in Europe

The freezing weather across Europe has been making the news this week. A favorite blog that I read is from The Netherlands: you can find a daily photo there  from that part of the world. My blog friend Marianne, published a snow picture  on Feb. 5th that reminded me very much of the scene above.

The crude painting pictured here was an attempt by me ( about a year ago) in a watercolor class, to paint a snow scene. Proof positive that I will try anything!....Hopefully Europe you will have an early Spring. .
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  1. Yes very cold in Europe! NGB

  2. Oh, thank you for mentioning my blog. The painting looks indeed very simular to my photo, like you have been here. You are very talented, writing, painting, photography what else can you do?

  3. I agree with Marianne! Do not be critical of this art... love it!

