Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gateway's Car Museum

On the recent trip with my sister and her husband, we stopped at the Gateway Resort in far western Colorado not only to walk around the resorts beautiful grounds, but to tour the Car Museum.
It sits at the back of the property and for a small fee you can walk through *John Hendrick's
impressive collection of vintage cars.
Rest assured I did not take a photo of all of the cars. I did this one though because I had never seen anything like it. It is Cadillac's first Coup produced in 1907.

Not sure what this is (sorry) but I liked the orange color. When I first remember cars as a child...seemed to me they were mostly black....This of course is before my time.
I also like Blue..
Here is a car I do remember. It was called a Woody because the panels on the side were actually made of wood. Seems they didn't make these for long as the wood didn't weather well.
I adored convertibles when I was a teenager. So did a lot of girls which is maybe the reason boys liked to drive them?
I never remember a truck painted with these colors.
I wasn't fond of Hot Rods or the boys that drove them.
Of all of the cars Hendricks has, this is his prize possession.
It was a concept car (Olds F88) built by General Motors in 1954. They only made two. Like most concept cars of that time, they were not put into production...but sent to a crusher to be destroyed. Seems a worker smuggled this out piece by piece and reconstructed it. Years later Hendricks won it in a bidding war. It was in the millions. It has its own room in the museum rotating on a pedestal as music plays!

* To read more about Hendricks, the resort and the concept car go HERE


  1. They are amazing. You would feel very special riding in one of those these days.

  2. Dearest Janey,
    That was quite an extensive collection for this car museum.
    For me the orange old timer stands out!
