Friday, August 16, 2019


I have mentioned before that the area where we spend the summer had record snow fall over the winter piling up right through March. The higher elevations couldn't handle it and nineteen avalanches occurred high above us in the mountains .Local, state and federal government workers rolled up their sleeves and cleared the slides which had blocked water ways which were putting our town under threat of flooding.Many folks drove up when the roads cleared to see the damage, but we waited for the weather and the tourists to clear out. Afternoon rains were causing mudslides in the slide areas, and sixty folks were tramped up on the mountain for over eight hours when the shelf road washed out.
Whole forests were piled up like logs in a bonfire.
What surprised me, is that the area where I drew the arrow is still frozen ice and snow...and it is now August!
I feel sure that over time Nature will heal it's self and traces of this devastation will hopefully disappear..


  1. Dearest Janey,
    Every climate and every region has its ups and downs and we tiny humans sure cannot measure up to the forces of nature!
    But no doubt it will recover from it, it takes some years but time is nothing in the environment...
