Thursday started out as usual around here. Tom was up early packing his lunch and preparing to meet the hiking club for an 8am departure,
when he told me he had an ache in his stomach. Having had several kidney stones in the past, the pains were awfully familiar. So (nice thing about a small town), I called the doctor at home, and he met us at the medical center. They did an ultra sound and decided, yes it was a kidney stone, but to be safe (other complications possible), they wanted to transfer him to a town about two hours away, by ambulance. No, they wouldn't let me drive him, as they wanted him on an I.V. So I ran home to pack a bag, then headed out alone, not knowing if the ambulance was ahead of me or behind.

Well, coming down a mountain pass, on a nasty curve I saw the ambulance on the side of the road. Oh dear, was Tom in some sort of distress? I went to the first place I could turn around....then realized that if I went back, there was no place for me to pull over. Lots of trucks and vacationers pulling trailers on the road. I decided to continue to Montrose which was our destination. On the way, another ambulance passed me going in the other direction....which I figured was to pick Tom up, and continue to the hospital. I was correct ,ambulance one had broken down....Was I just bragging about our medical center?
Well, I did beat Tom to the hospital, by at least an hour. By the smile on his face, he was happy to finally arrive. The hospital did tests, and administered meds and I.V's and happily the stone passed...and we were free to go home. Although, we must fill some prescriptions which would be an hours wait. The day is getting long by now.
How does this picture fit in you ask? Well, this is what he did while waiting for his meds. I guess I have never discussed how my husband doesn't like a dirty car...we are at a car wash....and yes the two pictures were taken the same day.Okay...there is and end to this. We finally head back up into the mountains. Me driving because he is still doped up. Remind me to never take off for the hills when there is only an hour of daylight left on a two hour drive.....and
to check the weather. About halfway we ran into a horrendous thunderstorm. It was a long long tedious trip home...never going over 40 mph. The good news is we arrived safely. Tom is fine, and that awful day was finally over!!!