Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Medical Center

When we first started vacationing in this small mountain town in  the late '80's we had a very small clinic downtown. It was housed in one of the historical buildings...and staffed with a nurse , no doctor

Flash forward to now and there has been quite a change.
We now have a very modern, well equipped facility, a full time doctor, physicians assistant, and nurse practistioner. All of this made possible ( in part ) by this couple.
The Moseley 's so loved our little town that they made sizeable donations  to many worthy causes...the medical center being just one. Through their generosity
our town with only a full time population of around four hundred is an amazing place to live .


  1. Good that there is first-rate medical care close by. I do like that tiny little clinic though.

  2. Thank goodness for the generosity of these amazing people.

  3. What a difference, and very generous!

  4. A sweet story, it is nice to know you can have help so nearby.

  5. I have reached the age where I feel anxious when I spend any amount of time in an area with limited medical facilities. How wonderful that you have had benefactors that took care of this need for your summer place.
