Monday, February 4, 2019

The Lost Generation

The term" the lost generation" was coined by the late Gertrude Stein to describe the lost directionless generation following World War One, especially the 1920'S crowd of artists and writers living in Paris.

I am using it to describe the children of today.....and the lack of their very images. When I was a young mother I took as many photos of my children as parents do today. The difference is, I took them  when we had film in our cameras and had to take them to be developed to even see them. Not only did I get a copy, good or bad since there was no deleting, but I got an extra copy to send to grandma. Today the images of children are stuck on cell phones or embedded in social media....some to never be seen again, especially if someone loses their phone, or their computer crashes.

So I have started a memory box of sorts for my three little granddaughters.
 I bought these large boxes (online) constructed of heavy cardboard. They measure 13x15 inches.

I then went back and ordered pictures of all of the good snapshots that I could find of each grandchild. I used a photo service that only charges 9 cents a copy for a 4x6" print. I made sure the boxes were larger so if I wanted to put larger photos in there, and also have room for their artwork and any other treasure I wanted to save for them.

 There is even bracket on the end where you can slide a card with their name on it. You notice that I bought an extra.....since you never know if at least one more comes along. Fingers crossed :)

Someday I hope that they will be pleasantly surprised to find their very own treasure box.



  1. Dearest Janey,
    Let's hope they will be pleased with it one day!
    I've just worked hard for reversing all the real photos, and slides, into digital images. Decluttering so to speak.
    The problem I see on social media is a very self-centered generation that is making way too many selfies, almost boring. Almost... it IS boring.
    That indicates a lot about their mind set and one wonders what they ever will teach the next generation.
    Life is a very fast-paced period here on planet earth and it all depends on how we fill in our time. Time with others that is as no one lives for or by him/herself. In the end there will only be memories... inside a box or outside of the box!
    Sending you hugs,

  2. That is a lovely idea Janey - one day your little ones will be really appreciative of the thoughts and the care that you have put into making each of these boxes for them.

  3. That is a great idea, Janey, so true not to loose all those photos. You can also make printbooks nowadays by internet with "Blurb" for instance. We made some books of our travels this way.

  4. Surprised and thrilled I'm certain Janey. Such a wonderful idea. My two sisters and I are about to go through all my mum and dad's old photos, I can't wait ✨
