Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Rubbing Elbows

 When we spend time with an important person or say a celebrity, we Americans use the phrase rubbing elbows with that person. Well I did just that today with award winning journalist and author Tim Madigan at a book review of his newest novel Of The First Class which is the history of our world famous Kimbell Museum. 

I posted a year or so ago about how I ended up being mentioned in the book. He was in the museum with Kay Fortson, who founded the museum and he introduced himself and her to me and my husband and stated that he was writing a book about the  Kimbell. I conveyed to them that I love love the museum and come there often. (actually we are members). He wrote about the conversation with me in the book. I reminded him today that I was that woman that he and Kay had that conversation with on that rainy afternoon when he was writing this book.
So after his talk he was nice enough to introduce me to the group!

Making me feel a bit like a celebrity.

Tim’s best selling book (I think) is about a race riot in Tulsa back in the 1920’s .

 where  a whole black community was wiped out. History that most of us would like to erase, but it happened.

His book that I want to read is about his relationship with a t.v. icon  Mr. Rogers. 

Fred Rogers had a wildly popular children’s show when my girls were growing up. Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.

Here is a blurry picture of a younger Tim on Mr. Roger’s t.v. Show.

Apparently the book is about how Fred counseling a depressed Tim about his relationship with his father.

Speaking of rubbing elbows… I know you weren’t…I was .You will never guess who the beautiful young woman with me is! Meet Mattie Parker.. The new smart as a whip 38 year old Ft. Worth mayor!


  1. Dearest Janey,
    You sure can be proud for being mentioned in his book and you being introduced to the people that will read about you!
    Sad history at times but as you say, it cannot be erased...
    Mattie Parker seems to be a young and successful mayor!

  2. Well, you sure are special! How wonderful to meet these people and have your photos taken with them. I love the is gorgeous and so are you!

  3. An honor to be mentioned in the book and what a sweet young Mayor you have in your city!

  4. Great readers go to author presentations .Sometimes get lucky and meet authors. And I liked Mr Rogers!

  5. Wow, you really were rubbing elbows! I've only been to the Kimbell Museum once and I loved it too. I was so impressed by the wonderful natural lighting.
    I enjoyed seeing your young mayor! We could use more like her.

    1. The Kimbell building was the masterpiece of Louis Khan. That lighting effect was new wave and no one had seen anything like it. The Book is called Of The First Class. because Kay Fortney wouldn’t have it (the building of the museum)any other way even at times when she wasn’t sure where the money would come from!

  6. I forgot to mention your upcoming cooking class. That should be very exciting. Years ago, I took a day-long class at the Cordon Bleu in Paris. It's an experience I'll never forget.

    1. I will of course report on it. Our class is not going to be as fancy as the one you took..I am sure!
