Wednesday, March 9, 2022


 Very near the Colorado River where we spent the weekend (see previous post) is

 You may click on photos to enlarge
a state park, The Longhorn Caverns, which opened in 1932.

It’s an extensive underground cavern where you can take an escorted  tour. There is quite a bit of walking involved almost a mile and a half before you resurface.

Tom and granddaughter Hannah were good tourists and watched the introductory film.

Although Tom who is not fond of tight places decided to hike instead.

It is pretty chilly down there and Hannah ended up wearing her Mom’s large coat.

In places  the walkway is only a little over 4 ft. high which involved some stooping over.

There is also a species of bats that live in the cave. Here is a tiny one hanging upside down.
During the Civil War they harvested bat guano (poop) here to mix with other substances to produce gun powder. You can read about it HERE. The article also tells you about a young girl hostage being rescued from Indians in the cave.

There were of course interesting stalactites growing from the ceiling,

and several areas with large crystals.

I especially liked this area.

Before it became a state park the locals use to hold dances down there. Actually it was during prohibition and there may have been some drinking going on.

I can’t imagine getting all dressed up and climbing down into a cave to dance!


On your drive into the state park it is hard not to miss the European looking castle nearby.
So if you want to feel like royalty …you can rent the place…(see Here) for your stay in the area.
We sure enjoyed our weekend and we were all sad to leave. My sister brought along her three year old grandson. As we were packing to go home she said “Rowan are you ready to go home”? He replied ”not yet”, which about summed up my feelings exactly!


  1. I don't like undergrounds like this. Makes me feel very uncomfortable and feel an urge I have to go out...

  2. A mile and a half walking through an underground cave might be too claustrophobic for me. Lots of interesting things to see though.

  3. Dearest Janey,
    Wow, you were onto some interesting things.
    Indeed, stooping down and crawling through for going to 'dance'...?!
    Caves are always fascinating, we went to many in different countries. Your photos are excellent.
    And that Castle, what a standout in the region.
    Not yet was a perfect statement!

    1. Ha! I forgot to say that at the time of the dances there was another entrance to that big room with a ramp. No crawling. It was closed in later years to prevent the cavern from flooding…and the entrance we went in is the only one still open.

  4. Tienes un blog interesante. Saludos.

  5. Renting that castle is pretty steep but I guess if you get a large group it's not too bad. Love the cave tour.
