Some of you know that I love history, and that we have in the last two years, moved to a new town....and recently into a new home. I enjoy walking around this neighborhood. It is very diverse, with a lot of small homes built in the 1920's and 30's, and some huge mansions, built at the turn of the 20th century (not to mention new ones going up all the time). There are even a few from the nineteenth century.
I was intrigued when I saw the remains of an old entrance gate.
and even more interested, when I saw that the whole area was fenced off by this beautiful old stone fence. Was it old? What use to be here? Probably a huge old mansion?
So, why was what looked like an old fountain to water your horses, sitting out in the middle of a circle.? I asked the few people, that I know in the neighborhood, and they didn't have a clue.So, I was determined to find out.
OMG! How could they live here, and not know that this sat on that very spot!!! Advertised as the finest hotel in the southwest.This fabulous resort that sat just five miles from downtown... had it's own trolley you could ride into town..and another to ride down the hill to the private lake less than one half mile away.

The hotel, trolley, lake and two power plants were all funded by one man. A real estate investor from Denver, Co. He bought up a lot of land in this area,,,hoping to sell home sites. The lots didn't sell like he had hoped, and his beloved Inn was destroyed by fire, a short four years after it was built. People who had bought property in the area were disappointed with their investments.. One guy sold his lot for a typewriter and another for a set of tires. Also, a sad ending to the guy who had this vision. He was hit (and killed), while riding a bicycle in London one foggy morning.So, what happened in the years between the hotel and fabulously popular lake with it's two story ballrooms, fishing pier and roller coaster, and homes being built in the 1920's ? Well, most of the area was donated for a World War I army camp training center.
Oh I did find the little lake.It's now a city park........sitting across a six lane freeway from where the glamorous resort was....
*I am still guessing that the fence was part of the resort.....but it did lead me to the discovery of the old inn and what I think is some interesting history....Janey
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Good Fences