Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Would You Wear This?

Would you wear this is a frequent question I see on Fashion Blogs.
I am not sure why I thought of that question when I saw this? I guess I was thinking along the same lines. Would you want this on your street? Granted the guy (or gal) has a talent but this is in the front yard on a street of nicely restored little houses. I certainly wouldn't want this thing next door or across the street from me. How about you?


  1. I'd say that belongs on a property with a few acres.

  2. Not in a street indeed. It needs a place on a grassfield in a parc I think.

  3. Dearest Janey,
    Haha, and for coat rack it is way too high!
    It seems to be leaning over so it might 'retire' soon...

  4. I bet it was the husband's idea! Have a great week.
