Monday, November 29, 2021

Ba Humbug!

 Just when we felt that things were getting better. Omicron has to rear it’s ugly head! Makes you want to throw up your arms in disgust! So what can we do?

Don’t know about you, but I am going to lick  my wounds at the beach…Stay tuned.


  1. Dearest Janey,
    Well, you live in a good state with excellent leadership. Enjoy the beach.
    The evil forces will continue to use whatever reason to further scare people worldwide!
    We ought not to listen to the fake news but use common sense and make sure to live healthy.
    Being out in the fresh air is one of them and fresh fruits and veggies! Not in a tablet form... haha.

  2. Well at the beach is not so pretty here at the moment, rain all day and cold..brrrrr.

  3. What a great idea!! A day or two at the beach is a great way to forget the world's troubles.
