Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Committee

This past year, I decided to join the Fort Worth Woman’s Club. It is a club comprised of several study groups. It was appealing to me since so many of the clubs or groups study history, plus it seemed a perfect way to meet other women with the same interests.

There are all kinds of committees within the club to participate in. For some reason, the decorating committee ask me to join.

Although it isn’t even Thanksgiving, the houses which make up the club require decorations for  the holidays. I may not be in these pictures, I but I was there and did my share of work!

One thing I certainly enjoyed doing was gift wrapping all of the empty boxes to put under the many trees.

The particular study group that I am in had a bus tour of Ft. Worth on Sunday afternoon led by a county judge who is an expert on Ft. Worth history. His family dates back to the beginning of the town. For three hours we toured almost every corner of this place and even though I thought I knew it all, I certainly learned a lot.

I thought this rather humorous. With a bus load of ladies there were several who needed facilities after a couple of hours. Where to find such facilities on a Sunday afternoon?  Well, if you are a judge you have a key to the courthouse. Above is our beautiful pink granite courthouse built in 1893.


  1. This sounds like a great way to learn about your city and to make new friends. I love that the judge opened the courthouse so you could use the restrooms.

  2. Even though the county judge was very knowledgeable, it would good that his contacts also lead for him to be able to supply the ladies with some necessary facilities.
    The Fort Worth Women's Club sounds as if you will make plenty of new friends whilst also enjoying yourself.

  3. A handy person to know when you are caught short.

  4. Dearest Janey,
    That county judge proved not only to be knowledgeable for touring your around and filling these ladies in on lots of history, he also was practical!

  5. You are rather early with Christmas decorations in November!

  6. Now I need you to decorate my house! It's snowed a bit the last couple days in Breckenridge. We surely need it.
