Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Another Fun Birthday

 Wow! Some of these birthday celebrations are getting very elaborate! Remember I posted about a cute lady who sent out her birthday card posing with a college mascot….. a horse? If you don't remember you can go HERE

Becky and her sister

Well an old high school friend had a special birthday (and NO it wasn’t her 90th)! It so happened it was Tuesday on 2/22/22 so her daughters printed special t-shirts and arranged a very elegant  tea party where they all wore 2 2’s.... Make that Tutus!!

They even hired a chef who prepared food fit for royalty. 

He too of course wore a tutu
I didn’t  just drop the word royalty. This guy is the real thing. Seems he was was a chef to the Royal family in England.
You can read all about him  HERE.
I had to laugh, another friend said " well I only have sons. They offered to take me out for pizza and beer on my birthday"!


  1. Were you at the "tutu" party? They really know how to have a good time, and make the most of their birthdays.

  2. Well that is partytime there, he we try to survive winds and rains!

  3. Dearest Janey,
    That was most hilarious and what a great idea for printing those t-shirts and adding a Tutu.
    So that was a real Royal Chef!
    The top link is not working however...

  4. Oh my gosh, what a fabulous party that must have been. I love the tutus and what a great idea for that 2.22.22 day!

  5. Great idea for a party. I expect the food was delicious and expensive.

  6. That was some terrific birthday bash! W O W !
