Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Hidden Falls

I am still using pictures from our drive last Sunday, mainly because I haven't been out much. It is almost time to head south with the birds, and I have been packing. I like to leave everything neat around here, so closing up means cleaning the fridge from top to bottom, the oven, etc. etc. Did I mention that I am a bit of a neatnik. Anyway back to the drive.
We are not on this road that often, so I always like to stop at Whitmore Falls.

Heading down the steps, and like I said..I am a bit of a neatnik so I kept wishing I had a broom .

Click on photo to enlarge
We went all the way down....which meant we also had to climb all the way back up, only to discover that an Aspen tree was blocking the view from the observation point.Grrr


  1. Even so, a lovely waterfall at a glimpse!

  2. Dearest Janey,
    Oh my what a fate for finding that Aspen tree blocking your expected view...

  3. Deapite the blocking of the view, it looks like there was nature to enjoy.
