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We are not exactly sure why the highway department needs to warn the other drivers that we were on the way?
This airplane is not on the ground. It's a crop duster, flying VERY low. I am taking these through the car window, by the way. Bet you could tell!
My timing is off, or Tom is driving too fast. Wanted you to see this neat old house...probably left from the dust bowl days of the thirties.
Aww a cute little red barn...until this 18 wheeler ruined my shot.
Racing the train.
The beautiful Welcome Center in Amarillo
Where the signs don't welcome you...but warn you.
The weather in the Texas Panhandle can turn nasty this time of year
Hello New Mexico. The Capulin Volcano
Little house on the prairie.
Don't know about you..but I have trouble proofreading my own blog. Sometimes, I go back later...and go "Oh my gosh!"