Monday, April 6, 2020

Flowers and the final Masterpiece

I hope this finds everyone well.

We look forward to our daily walk. Actually we go whatever the weather, and naturally I usually take a few pictures.
We saw several Mom’s out walking with small kids. Gosh it must be a chore to keep those little ones busy.
I hope you too are able to get outdoors.
You might just find a few signs of Spring.
And finally...I know you are all waiting with bated  breath!
See previous post.

My final attempt to replicate a masterpiece! Ha...don’t laugh it is keeping at least me entertained.


  1. Dearest Janey,
    Lovely walks you both are taking; wish I had time to do so but I'm still tied down with my writing...
    LOVE your photos, there are so many little miracles around us.
    As for your Starry Night; Vincent no doubt is smiling down at you; love it, especially at a time like this!

  2. Good job on the starry night. You captured the essence. I love the flowers you spotted on your walk.
