Saturday, February 20, 2021

Thawing out


Yes this is an actual picture taken somewhere in Fort Worth. 

We are finally after a whole week thawing out, but our troubles are not over. Water mains are breaking all over the state,
and  if you have must boil it before consuming (my kitchen).
Photos like this show that some have not lost their sense of humor.
(Hopefully this is not the real snowplow in Austin).

and  others were outraged when  one of our politicians tried to slip down to Cancun.
(having second thoughts, he did turn around and come home)

We never lost power through this whole trying time..but millions did. I must say 
it has been heartwarming hearing about all of the neighbors helping neighbors.
How is your weather?

Not all of these photos are mine.


  1. We've been keeping up with our family there and praying for everyone. It will be in the 70s here this weekend so that will be nice. I know you will be warming up some too! YAY! Take care!

  2. Ted is, as ever was, a despicable excuse for a human being.

    Here we know to leave taps running a bit during a cold spell to prevent things like burst pipes if the power goes.

    Thus far we're having a fairly typical winter, a good deal of snow and consistently cold temperatures. No thaw, though, which we'll usually get in January or February for a day.

  3. I saw that fan photo as part of a news story a few days ago. It's unbelievable. I'm so glad you survived the ordeal without losing power but that boiling of water is going to be a pain for a while. That was a very scary storm scenario you just endured.

  4. Dearest Janey,
    That must have been an awful leak from a bad roof, maybe due to the weight of all the snow; for causing those icicles!
    Glad you managed without power loss; guess you have the wiring under ground; that helps. We got that too.
    Even here in Atlanta, the airport and the city is not equipped to handle snow or ice. Let alone us here farther south. We had ice on Christmas 1983 and it was a disaster. The saddest was the traffic pile up; bless all those families involved!
    Don't have people anything better to do instead of making fun of some politicians?! Such a cheap shot as others get by with murder...
    Stay cozy!

  5. The weather has gone mad it seems, we went in one week from ice skating to cycling in the sun in a thin coat!
