Friday, June 13, 2014


I made cookies today, since I have guests arriving. No big deal you say. Well, you try your hand at baking at 9,000 ft. above sea level! There are cookbooks for high altitude baking , but most are only for people who live at about a level of 6,000 ft.
So, a couple of years ago when I found this recipe for High Altitude Chocolate Chip Cookies, and someone commented that they actually worked for her at 11,000 ft....I knew I had finally stumbled onto something that might work!
  And happy to report it certainly did. I have used this recipe ever since.

I had the first batch ready to go into the oven in no time.
The finished product. You see without the right combination of ingredients, baked good raise very quickly at high altitude and then fall...They turn out flat, crispy and dried out. Now, I just have to hide these. You, see Tom is playing golf. I will leave three or four out for him, but if he knew where the rest were, there would be none left for our guests, Yes, he is a sugar addict, or you might just call him a Cookie Monster!


  1. thanks for explaining what happens! i knew altitude could be a problem but didn't know why. :)

  2. Oh, good! They look delicious. You can serve them to your guests while watching the World Cup. Nethelands is leading Spain, and I jet sent Mariane an email!!

  3. I didn't know that the height influences the baking process. Interesting. They look great and keep your cookie monster far from them.

  4. We associate lots of things to do with the problems of altitude but I had never thought of the problems you must experience with cooking and baking. Well done. They look delicious.
