Saturday, March 14, 2015

Snow Scenes

Hard to believe it was just a little over a week ago, that it was snowy here in North Texas, since it will be sixty degrees today.
 Having moved here, from south Texas, I am just not use to seeing snow.

I loved watching it pile up on the window sill
and my husband, who grew up in Chicago, couldn't wait to go for a walk! I could hardly keep up with him.
Now that the snow has are starting to pop up all over town. I hope that Spring is also coming your way! Have a great weekend...


  1. happy for the rains and moisture we've gotten since, too, but ready to see a spot of sunshine!

  2. Looks gorgeous. We've had quite a bit of sunshine this week in London and lots of Spring flowers are bursting into bloom.

  3. Dearest Janey,
    Well, this winter we did not get to see any snow here in the heart of Georgia! Enjoy the upcoming spring; we have had such a lovely week.

  4. I would love to look out the window and see a snow covered vista Janey.

  5. Your photos are lovely. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  6. I love to see the snow and can imagine hobby went out to walk. I always do the same, I have to walk in the snow and fell it.

    1. I type on my Ipad and make many mistakes I see. It is a tablet and the capitals are so tiny. I mean hubby and feel, sorry :)

    2. I have the same problem when I type on my Ipad.

  7. He must miss the snow, but I bet he doesn't miss the Chicago wind!!

  8. Mm, so pretty, I'd love some of the pretty white stuff here in the tropics at the moment!
