Monday, June 20, 2022

Continuing Our Walk up Rue Lepic

 Once you come upon the first windmill (see previous post) you can understandably miss the view down Rue Tholoze. So be sure to turn around.

If you look closely. On a clear day you can see the golden dome at Invalides

There are some pretty views looking uphill as well.

I especially liked this one with the Citroen climbing up the hill.

Ever since I saw this coffee shop when researching on the Internet I was determined to find it. It has been open for around two hundred years and was a hangout for a long list of artists of the late nineteenth century that I feel sure you are familiar with.

I didn't have to look long all of a sudden it magically appears on Rue Lepic no doubt..We paused for a coffee before going on around the corner to Montmartre's most famous square.
to be continued…


  1. There sure were a lot of people up there on the hill with you. I've heard of the coffee shop.

  2. I remember those steps, I must have a photo somewhere with me on it, long ago....
