Friday, June 10, 2016


Just across the 81/2 Street bridge,
which is also called the Ocean Wave bridge for obvious our town's only bakery.
Anyway the bakery is a popular hangout...especially for my Tom....but this isn't about Tom, it is about the bakery dog. I would like you to meet Yogi, who always seems to be starving. 
He is not aggressive  mind you....heck you hardly know he is there..but he is.
and he will be your companion for as long as you are there.


  1. Good manners obviously pay. I wonder how many treats he gets in a day. Unfortunately I won't be visiting Colorant this trip. Something to think about for the future.

  2. I see your river is high. Ours are, too - the snow is finally melting up high. Yogi has soulful eyes - I might have to drop a few crumbs for him!

  3. Waiting for a handout, and I bet he gets plenty!

  4. Dearest Janey,
    Oh, I would not mind having such an adorable companion for the time sitting at the bakery!
    Hugs and happy weekend.

  5. So sweet doggie with that look of him, I could sit there for hours with such a companion close to my feet.
