Monday, June 13, 2016

The Garden

I am almost embarrassed to post this after seeing the tulips on William's blog, the perfectly groomed vegetable garden on La La Lane, and not to mention the estate garden that Rosemary calls her own....but this folks is the best we can do.
Yes, we have again leased a small plot at our town's community garden.
Don't let Tom deceive you...I have plenty of dirt under my fingernails too.
We have planted fewer things this year, as things got a bit crowded last summer. We actually know nothing about gardening...but we have put in lettuce, yellow squash, parsley, basil, chives and cilantro (coriander).....and we will see if we can keep them alive. Have you ever has a vegetable garden?


  1. That will be wonderful and give you plenty of produce but what a backdrop - glorious navy blue mountains.

  2. There was always a vegetable garden on our property when I was growing up, that would keep the big freezer in the basement fully stocked over the winter with lots of vegetables my mother liked to cook. Gradually my dad started making the garden at the back of the property smaller. When they moved up to cottage country for retirement and he still planted some beans, the last straw was having the deer raid the whole crop. "No more planting," he said.

  3. OMG, don't remind me at a vegetable garden. I hated it, so much work, it never ends.....

  4. We always had a large garden in PA when the children were growing. Here at high altitude, my growing season is too short and night time temps too cool. I'll enjoy seeing a pic of what is growing in a couple months.

  5. Thanks for the shout out, Janey! I happen to think your little garden is very cute. Love the sunflower at the end. I'm sure you will be gathering veggies in no time.

  6. Regardless of your skills, growing and tending seeds and plants in a garden is so rewarding!!
