Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Bird Watching

If you have been reading along, you would know that I have taken up vegetable gardening. Another thing on my list, is to join a bird watching group.
click on photos to enlarge
I enjoy watching the Steller Jays that eat the bread that I put out every morning. I don't have a feeder, because they attract bears up here. The birds finish off this pile of bread in no time. There aren't many birds that hang out at nearly 9,000 feet... where I live.

Sometimes, I go down to the lake and look for this guy (a Bald Eagle). I know the tree he likes to perch in, looking for his breakfast. So, I was excited when I read that there was a new bird watching group, that meets early Sunday mornings ...out at the lake.I bundled up, since the thermometer read 40 degrees...and headed out to the lake. I even talked hubby into coming along
Imagine my dismay, when there was no one there. Obviously, I need bird watching lessons . :)
I will let you know when I spy a bird..... or the bird watching group.On to the next thing on the list. Janey


  1. love the jays on your deck! and the eagle!!! now, if you can just find that birdwatching crew...

  2. Love the stellar jays. I saw one back in March when I went snow shoeing near Estes Park with my daughter.

  3. The Stellar jays have such a richly beautiful blue to them.

  4. Interesting how our taste change as we grow older. I, too, am interested in birdwatching but cannot imagine having that same interest when I was much younger. The noisy Jays certainly are beautiful, aren't they?

    1. They are noisy Kate. If I don't get the bread out there soon enough. They sit is that tree and fuss at me.

  5. That's beautiful hobby Janey! I strongly recommend for you as well. I already joined to our biggest association some years ago.

  6. Lucky you to see the eagle, Janie! I don't put feeders out either - a bear would appear in an instant! However, when I sit on the deck in the late afternoons, the Gray Jays visit for some bread crumbs. Happy vegetable gardening - I hope the deer don't intrude.
